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Reaksi pertama yang dibaca di sana sini di internet sangat positif. Malah Gollum menemui penontonnya ...

LEGO Lord of the Rings - Aragorn LEGO Lord of the Rings - Legolas LEGO Lord of the Rings - Gandalf The Grey
LEGO Lord of the Rings - Gimli LEGO Lord of the Rings - Boromir LEGO Lord of the Rings - Gollum 
LEGO Lord of the Rings - Frodo  LEGO Lord of the Rings - Selamat  LEGO Lord of the Rings - Pippin 
LEGO Lord of the Rings - Samwise  LEGO Lord of the Rings - Uruk-Hai  LEGO Lord of the Rings - Ringwraith 
LEGO Lord of the Rings - Mordor Orc  LEGO Lord of the Rings - Moria Orc  
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